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----====>>>>•••How to play Scrungle•••<<<<====----
•••Scrungle terms•••
The grid—This is the playing area, 27 x 25, and bordered with a indestructible wall.
Indestructible walls—These are permanent walls that can’t be destroyed by anything. They are made of the rare element, Scrunglenium.
Walls—These aren't indestructible, but they can’t be moved either.
Blocks—These big blocks are common in the maze and come in many colourful varieties. Without these in the grid you would be a dead man/woman. Use them as barriers between you and the enemies, or trap and squish them with the blocks. Made of the lighter mineral, Scrunglite.
You—A scrungler. This is what you look like. Don’t forget.
Scrungle Bots—This is your basic enemy. It knows where you are with its special Scrungler radar. Luckily they didn’t have a very programmer and thus they aren’t very smart. They freeze up and suffer from bugs frequently.
Ghavecs—These are advanced Scrungle Bots. Don’t be a slouch around them. They are quicker and slicker at tracking you down.
Turtles—If you don’t bug them they won’t bug you. These huge beasts lumber around and if you get in their way they will simply step on you.
Death Worms—These are giant slimy, and most importantly—poisonous. These worms are much like the turtles, except very predictable in their movements. Don’t get in their way or you will find yourself sprayed with poisonous glop, enveloped by the spongy worm and then digested slowly.
Twisters—Totally unpredictable. They fly all over the grid. Surround them with blocks and stop the wind.
Tanks—They roam the grid looking for fleeing Scrunglers, and when they find one they shoot them.
Zappers—They stay stationary unless pushed. They rotate, sweeping their radar dish around, and if you show up they send a burst of energy flying at you.
Soldiers—The most feared enemy in the grid. These aren’t animals or robots, but trained human soldiers. It’s difficult to hide from them.
Bombs—Collect these and plant them later, but be careful you aren’t standing to close when they detonate.
Stop signs—These temporarily stop all things in the grid except you, so you can spend a few seconds getting to a safer position or collecting goodies.
Warps—These warp you to a new position in the grid. Be careful—you could end up next to an enemy. They can only be used once.
Extra Scrungler—Gives you an extra scrungler.
Pits—Deep pits in the grid. You die if you fall in. They can be filled up with debris from a bomb though.
Money Bag—Gives you extra points.
Cluster bomb—Get one and detonate it. A cluster of small bombs will drop onto the grid and destroy whatever they hit (except for indestructible walls).
Clock—This gives you extra time before a new monster is added.
Gun—Get one of these and some ammo and you can shoot your enemies. If you die, you lose your gun.
Ammo—You need ammo if your going to use your gun.
Moving walls—These guys are extremely annoying and mischievous. They love to get in your way.
You can move your scrungler in two ways:
You can use the arrow keys.
The standard setting it comes in is to use the numeric keypad, 8 to go up, 6 to go right, 4 to go left, and 2 to go down. If you don’t like them you can make your own custom set of controls by choosing ‘Edit Controls...’ from the Options menu.
Using bombs and guns
You can fire your gun or plant a bomb by pressing standard the “0” key or the key you have customized. To switch between your gun and bombs as the active weapon, press return or enter. You will see your active weapon framed with a box in the status bar.
Find Key
Sometimes with so much happening on the screen at one time, Scrungle can get overwhelming, and you’ll find yourself yelling, “Oh no! Where am I? I can’t find that little guy!!” And in your blind state of panic, you can hit the Find Key. Normally it is the Delete key, but you can change it to whatever you like.
•••Your First Game of Scrungle•••
The following is a recommendation for how to play your first game of Scrungle.
•Launch Scrungle
•Open the file called “Demo Levels”
•Your screen will now have the grid for the first level on it. The name of the level and author will scroll by at the top.
• As soon as it finished, select “Pause” from the Options menu
•Now, before we begin playing, lets look at the paused game. You are in the centre, safely surrounded by blocks. There is a scrungle bot to your left. When you are ready, select “Pause” again and begin playing. Try pushing the blocks until you have completely trapped the scrungle bot from all directions. Then, squish it with the blocks. Congratulations! You are a scrungler! But be ready, because as soon as you destroy the first scrungle bot, another will appear, and it could be right beside you. If you can kill the other scrungle bot before running out of time, you will advance to the next level. When you die (and you will, it’s a tough game) you will most likely make it on the high score list, so type in your name and press OK, or hit Return. If you want to play again, go to the Level menu and you will see a list of all the available levels in that scenario. Simply select the one you want and you can then play it. You can open a new scenario if you wish or choose “Open...” from the File menu and open an individual level. Or you can choose one of the randomly generated levels, found at the bottom of the Options Menu.
Most games gave a story line or something, so here is Scrungle’s. When I started working on Scrungle it didn’t have a story, so I just made one up to satisfy anyone how cannot play games that don’t have stories.
Ok, how's this for a story...lessee...Um, some evil guy, let's call him Joe. This Joe guy, a real sadistic man, has captured you and put you into his battle labyrinth, where he amuses himself by watching you struggle for your life against his evil contraptions and monsters. There, are you happy?
***File menu***
Most of the commands in the file menu are pretty straight forward. Choosing “Open...” will present you with the usual open dialog box, from which you can choose either a level file or a scenario file.
NOTE: When using the demo version, you will only be able to open the demo levels file included with it.
***Options menu***
Sound—Select sound to toggle the sound on and off.
Pause—Select Pause to pause or resume the game.
Show High Scores...—Choose it to see the current list of top Scrunglers.
Clear High Scores....—Select this to erase the high score list and start a new one.
Difficulty—Reveals a pop-up menu with Hard, Normal and Easy speeds. The difficulty setting determines how fast the monsters can move in relation to you, and how many points you will score.
Abort Game...—Aborts the game in progress and enters your name in the high score list if you made it.
Edit Controls....—Go to this when you want to change the current key setup to your liking. You will be shown a new screen. At the bottom of the screen the instructions will be shown. At first it will ask you to press the key you want for moving up. Once you press a key it will ask you to set another key, and so on until all the keys have been set and then it will repeat. You can exit at anytime by clicking the mouse. It doesn’t matter if you have cycled through the keys when you click—it will save your changes. Certain keys you cannot set. The arrow keys(they will always work), the caps lock, shift, ctrl, option, & command keys cannot be set. You cannot have the same key used for different functions.
•••Random Levels•••
The random levels are the 3 last menu items in the Options menu. Choose any of them just like you would choose a level from a loaded scenario. Depending on which you select, a level will be randomly generated from a set of guidelines. The last level “Totally random” randomly picks almost every aspect of the level, including how many blocks, bombs, enemies(and what type) how many warps, moving blocks, pits, time limit, and even the difficulty.
NOTE: The demo only allows the use of the “Totally random” level.
•When you hear a voice announcing that you’re running out of time, it means that if the level is not finished within a few seconds, a new enemy will be added to the grid.
•••Comments, Suggestions and Bug Reports•••
If you have any of these please send them to us at the addresses above.
Scrungle requires 256 colours to run. It will run on a lower processor but a 68030 or higher is recommended.